China Driving Theory Exam Prep  China Driving Theory Exam Prep
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Nearly 1000 Chinese
Driving Questions
Regulary Updated
Nearlt 100 Chinese Driving Questions - Regularly Updated!
Our apps feature the actual questions (or something very very close to them) that you will most likely see when you go to take your Chinese automobile driving exam in English. While of course no source can always claim to have 100% current questions because the authorities can always change things randomly, we work hard to make sure the question bank is as up to date as possible. This includes about 1000 total questions! The most recent or soon upcoming scheduled build of our app databases: Tuesday, February 18, 2025).
Polished User
Saves You Time
Polished User Experience
Our apps feature an intuitive and polished user experience that allow you to make the most of your study time. While this may not seem important at first, over time this can reduce your total stime by hours and hours (given the huge number of questions, this is FAR more efficient than any slow study website!). Each platform version of Driver Theory: China Driving features numerous study and learning modes so that you can study in a way that works best for you. This includes the abiility to generate an unlimited number of sample practice papers/tests to study from.
Free Lifetime
Fully Integrated
Free Lifetime Updates
Our Driver Theory: China Driving apps feature free lifetime updates; built in and always available with a few clicks. Compare this to books or our competitor apps, which are becoming out of date from the moment they are printed. Our update system is live connected to the back-end system that our editorial team users: as soon as a new question appears in our database, you can get it.
No Internet
Conn. Needed
Use Anywhere!
No Internet Connection Needed!
Except for obvious things such as initially getting or later updating the app, you DO NOT NEED TO BE ONLINE to use our apps. The entire question database and all reference illustrations and figures will be on your device so that you can study whenever and wherever you are.
Proven and
Trusted System
Used By 1000s
A Proven and Trusted System
We've been providing driving theory exam preparation materials since 1997. Since then, many many thousands of happy users have come to use our training materials. It's a proven system that works.
One Time
Life Purchase
Not a Subscription!
Not a Subscription!
You pay one price and the app is yours forever. There are no further recurring subscription or any other charges whatsoever. All that we ask is for your understanding is that you are getting a single-user license for the platform of your choice; you cannot give, lend, or sell our app to anybody else, even when you are done with this. Our competitors, by contrast, largely have "subscription" based plans that cost you a lot more in the long run given how much time it actually takes to study for the exams.
Least Expensive
Serious Prep
Great Value!
Least Expensive Test Prep
We regularly compare ourselves to our copetitors to ensure that we offer great value. We take pride in offering our apps at a very competitive price. The app quickly pays for itself in terms of times saved compared to less efficient prep methods like websites.
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Please click on one of the links below to get the app for the platform of your choice. You can download the app and be studying in just minutes, well on your way to passing your exam and getting that license
Ace the tricky English-Language China Car Driver Theory Test with our polished and inexpensive test prep apps. Study now - Instant Access on the platform of your choice. Yes! Our prep has the almost 1000 new-style Chinese driving theory questions.

Yes, you will probably need to take the Chinese Driving Computerized Exam if you want to drive in China. Our app will help you take and pass the exam and it will quickly pay for itself in terms of time savings compared to slow 'free' prep websites.

Whether you're a visitor or a resident, if you want to drive in China, you need to take and pass the tough Chinese driving computerized written exam. Yes, you can take it in English. While the Chinese authorities no longer publish the complete question set, we work with independent driving schools and instructors in china to bring you the most up to date question set possible. This app has it!

Unfortunately, the test is hard and many foreigners, perhaps relying on "free" websites or their own general driving background elsewhere, fail. The reality is that the question bank has nearly 1000 questions and you have to score greater than 90% to pass. Many of the questions deal with Chinese regualatory nuances that. What's more, many of the questions are written in let's call it "imperfect" English when you go to take your exam. Our apps, featuring extensive representative question sets, full illustrations, and a polished user interface, help you maximize your chance of success.

“I passed the test with a 98 after a few evening study using your app. Thank you!”
— ER, Shangai (beta user)

Yes, we have the NEW questions! Full 2025 Chinese driving theory exam banks in English. Please note that the authorities recently updated the entire test bank (to make it harder and longer!) Many books and websites still have the obsolete material. Ours is consistent with the current test!
Yes, if you want to drive in China, you need to pass the test! This app is for expats living or working in China, Tourists, Visitors, Tour Leaders, Chinese Residents, and Chinese Citizens wishing to take the driving test in English, and more.
Almost one thousand questions representing the totality of the current 2025 Chinese Driving question banks for car drivers.. Unbeatable Price! One time purchase - NOT a subscription!
You can be studying in just moments from now. No waiting! All referenced question figures are included. Highest quality figures around!
Free Lifetime Updates / No Expiration Dates Highly customizable study and training interface.
Take an unlimited number of practice tests Polished user experience for efficient, fast learning

Get the Apps!

Our Windows PC App is available on a try before you buy basis - you're free to download the PC demo below and try them on your PC. If you like it, you can purchase an activation code that will transform the demo version into the full version instantly. For other versions,including iPhone/iPad and Android, and Mac you can purchase the apps directly from the official app stores via the links below.
China ATPL theory Exam Prep
 Program / App  Download

China ATPL for MS-Windows - theory Exam Prep
For MS-Windows (25.91 mb, Feb 18 2025)

China ATPL for iPhone/iPad - theory Exam Prep
for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch and Compatible Devices

China ATPL for Android- theory Exam Prep
for Android Devices

Click here to get via Google Play Market

China ATPL for Mac - theory Exam Prep
for Mac

If you have any questions, we're here to help!

App screenshots


China Driving Theory Exam Information

Yes, you need to get a Chinese Driver's License! You cannot drive with an International Driver's Permit (IDP) in mainland China; China has not signed the convention which created IDPs. You therefore need a Chinese license to drive in China. (Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan issued licenses are not considered Chinese licenses.)

The computerized theory test consists of up to 100 questions taken from a bank of over 900. The required pass mark is 90%. If you do not pass, you can generally do a second test without paying any further fee. In major cities, these tests are available in Arabic, Russian, German, French, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and English. Syllabuses are available from the Public Security Traffic Management Bureau ( In smaller places, the officials may insist you do it in Chinese. Some allow you to bring a translator; others do not. It is common that besides just translating, the translator will dictate you correct answers and expect a small fee of not more than 100 yuan. Probably if you're reading this you want to take it in English (good idea!). The questions you see in this app should normally be similar to those that you see on the real test, though on the real test they are occasionally badly translated. We recommend that you supplement your study using this app with reading the syllabuses and any relevant pamplets you can get from the Pulblic Security Traffic Management Bureau as that will best prepare you for unexpected and/or new material.

Generally, but not always, you are excused from the actual driving test if you have a foreign license.

Note: the "old route" of converting foreign licenses to Hong Kong licenses "free" and then from Hong Kong to PRC no longer works! All foreigners, including Hong Kong born people MUST take the written exam if converting the HK driver's license to a mainland one.

The current exam is based around a recent overhaul of the vehicle driver training teaching and examination system in China. The new pool of exam questions has been extensively updated and 90% of the questions are new. The new question bank is not published by the Traffic Management Bureau ... however, this app has it!... or about as close as you will find anywhere (we obviously cannot account for the occasional last minute PRC question bank changes, though we do our best!.

The paperwork (registration for the test, testing, fetching license) is all done in the driving test centre, eg. in Xili for Shenzhen area. It is quite time expensive though, because you have to go there several times. It is often advisable to ask one of the small driving schools, which can be found at every second corner in Shenzhen to do all the paperwork for you.

In most places, private tutoring is allowed given common sense and reasonable care: that means in practice that at least one person in the car must have a valid license but not necessarily the driver.

How To Study Using This App

This app features numerous study and learning mods. There is no 'one size fits all' answer for all learners. We encourage you to experiment until you find a system that works for you. You can learn more about the individual study modes by clicking on the integrated help (?) icon on the test options page.

That said, here's what we generally recommend:

  • Start with a small number of chapters/study areas at a time. Master those chapters and then move on to to another set.
  • When you first encounter a chapter, try going through the questions in 'flashcard mode.' This is a mode where you see only the question and the correct answer.
  • Don't spend too much time in flashcard mode though. Soon, go into a mode like 'Study 1" where you are continuously quizzed on the questions. The brain really learns well by repetitive active study like this. Remember though that the questions at the testing center may vary a bit frow how we have them in the app. Thus, make sure you learn not just the correct answer, but the content as well.
  • As you get good at one or a small group of chapters, start studying more chapters in a group.
  • Finally, take a few simulated exams where you only get your grade at the end. We've found that most people score similarly on their actual exams as they do on the practice exams, though some consideration has to be made for 'test nerves', the luck of the question draw, and the like.
This program really lends itself to experimentation. Click around and try things and experiment with the various modes and options. If you have trouble, our helpdesk will be happy to assist you.

Disclaimer! This document is believed to be correct at the time it was written. However, laws and rules change regularly and are subject to differing interpretations. Please do not use this as the final, authoritative source for legal matters.


In mainland China, traffic drives on the right-hand side of the road. Various neighbours — Hong Kong, Macau, India, Nepal and Pakistan — drive on the left.

The official driving code in the People's Republic of China is the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China. It applies to all vehicles in China except military vehicles.

A vehicle with a government or military, (including police and fire departments) plates are white but occasionally blue, may not follow any rules. It may run a red light or simply go in the wrong direction or weave in and out of traffic.

There is a supplementary regulation to the Road Traffic Safety Law which specifies how specific regulations to the main law are supposed to be carried out.

International Drivers Licenses / Permits are not officially accepted in China, and driving without a Chinese license can get you up to 14 days' imprisonment.

Speed Limits

Speed limits are as follows, unless otherwise stated by signs:
  • 30 km/h (19 mph) on city roads where there is only one lane per direction, 40 km/h (25 mph) on China National Highways;
  • up to 70 km/h (43 mph) on city roads where there is a major road with central reservation or two yellow lines or 80 km/h (50 mph) on China National Highways;
  • 100 km/h (62 mph) on city express roads; Some of them are signed as 80 km/h.
  • 120 km/h (75 mph) on Expressways (be it National or Provincial, or National Highways built to expressway standards). Some of them are signed as 100 km/h or 110 km/h. Heavily enforced (see below).
Speed traps are conveniently identified with "radar speed check zone" or "speeding detection camera" signs.

Penalties for exceeding the speed limits are as follows:

  • up to 200 yuan for excess speeds over 10 km/h (6 mph) but under 50% of the speed limit. Example: if driving at 100 km/h (62 mph) in a 80 km/h (50 mph) zone.
  • up to 2000 yuan and possible loss of license for excess speeds over 50% of the speed limit. Example: if driving at 190 km/h (118 mph) on a 120 km/h (75 mph) expressway.

Road Conditions

The physical condition of roads and road maintenance varies greatly from municipality to municipality with the Western provinces being poorer than the east-coast and the Guangzhou region. As the building and maintenance of roads are mostly funded by local government, you may notice a sharp change when crossing provincial borders. Places with decent economy have superb infrastructure.

When possible, drive near the middle-right of the road as drain covers are usually stolen. The side of the road could be a mixture of pedestrian, bicycles and tricycles, animals, drain well without covers, and sometimes farmers use part of the road to dry the grains.

Turning off of main roads may require technical off-road driving skills and equipment, and at some places it is illegal.

City Roads

In major city roads traffic is often congested, even on the myriad of city ring roads (except those on the outer fringes of the city). Beijing comes in at the worst (comparatively), despite five ring roads and nine arterial expressways. Shanghai ranks relatively better, with elevated expressways and tunnels.

The congestion is far more complex than that in Western countries. There are crowds of pedestrians to contend with. Bicycles swarm everywhere even in the dark. In recent years, the electric scooter/bike has become quite popular. Economic prosperity has made it affordable for many Chinese to own cars and the number of cars on the road has increased dramatically. In many areas, there are also lots of motorcycles. Three wheeled carts powered by motorcycle engines are also common. In the smaller cities, anything from tractors to bullock carts may turn up! China National Highways

Some National and Provincial Highways are toll roads, despite not expressways. Also note some National Highways are rebuilt to expressway standards, and tolled. Their only difference from National Expressways are red GXXX (e.g. G102 in Beijing) signs instead of green GX/GXX/GXXXX for National Expressways.

  • G-level (national-Red Sign) China National Highways are those linking medium-sized cities, usually a pleasure to drive on. The speed limit is 80 km/h (50 mph), but cars sometimes zip at speeds over 100 km/h (62 mph), thanks to the relative absence of speed detection cameras compared to National Expressways. However, many of them are decades old, and due to heavy travel by overweight trucks, have poorer condition, and local government may have ongoing reconstruction of them.
  • S-level (provincial-Yellow Sign) highways connects counties, and may be less smooth to drive on. Unlike national highways, sometimes there is no central reservation or road separation, and you may be limited to one lane per direction. However, due to city expansion/some metropolitan area forming, some S-level roads are new, wide roads better than National Highways.
  • X-level (county-White Sign, although rarely displayed) highways are those linking townships. Not necessarily the worst to drive on, but they are challenging. More challenging are township-level highways. Some of these roads may be in areas officially cordoned off to the visiting foreigner.


National Expressways are China's equivalent of Interstate, a massive network similar to National Highways. Unlike US, few National Highways are absorbed by it (e.g. G312 between Hefei and Nanjing), so there are two full-fledged networks, with Expressways much better but have tighter restriction on vehicles. Almost ALL Expressways are tolled (there are also Provincial Expressways, not much different, and a new National expressway may be formed out of several provincial expressways just by changing planning and signs)

National Expressways are marked by G and 1, 2 or 4 digits, Provincial with S instead.

Expressways and express routes in China are a godsend, with traffic signs in both English and Chinese, emergency facilities, service areas, sufficient filling stations, plenty of exits, high speed limits, and the relative lack of traffic jams. However, when one does occur expect to wait several hours or in rare cases even days for the traffic to clear as damaged cars or trucks or usually not taken off the roadway after the accident resulting in kilometer upon kilometer of jammed roadways. Furthermore, this will result in drivers jockeying for position and jamming the emergency shoulder adding further waiting time to the traffic jam and potentially more accidents. Traffic jams once exceeded 100km on G6 (reconstruction and closure occurred on parallel G110 National Highway, affecting travel between Beijing, Zhangjiakou and Inner Mongolia, with no other option other than G6 at that time), making worldwide news.

Although in English, both express routes and expressways are referred to as "expressways", their Chinese counterparts are named differently. "Express routes" are written ????, whereas expressways are written as ????. The idea is that express routes operate within a metropolitan area, but expressways do the national work, liaising from one centre to another. However, the difference is now not clear, with expressways sometimes have a speed limit of 110 or 100 instead of standard 120. City-road like express routes are also being called expressways, such as Tongzhou-Yanjiao Expressway in Beijing, and Airport Expressway in many cities.

Expressway can function as a city road in very large cities, the most notorious is Badaling Expressway (now part of G6), connecting central Beijing, Changping and Yanqing. It's one of the most crowded roads in Beijing, and by no means "express" during rush hours.

Do not believe the name of a Expressway. The destination in the name may be unreachable, since construction on different portions may not be synchronous. HanCai(HanYang-Caidian S15 Hubei) Expressway connects HanYang with western cities in Hubei, but once did not have a exit on Caidian in the middle, resulting confused drivers having to detour. G4(Beijing-Hong Kong) would not lead you directly to Hong Kong but terminates at Shenzhen city centre, near a checkpoint. JingTai Expressway (G3)...the "Tai" indeed refers to Taiwan, with a imaginary tunnel under Taiwan Strait (it connects Beijing to Fuzhou anyway, and was once simply called JingFu Expressway, but even by this account, Jian'Ou-Fuzhou portion is still incomplete. However, the network is dense and it's straightforward to use G25 and G70 to cover it)

Frequently Asked Questions

Are the tests in English?

AnswerYes the Chinese Authorities give you the option to take the exam in English. That said, occasionally some of the questions are poorly translated from Chinese into English, leading to a bit of ambiguity. Our exam prep app questions emulate the sometimes stilted English language that you will encounter in the actual test.

I heard the authorities just updated their questions. Do you have the 'new' questions?

AnswerYes! Our apps now have all or essentially all of the new questions. These include heavy new emphasis on tricky regulatory questions.

Do you include all possible quesitons?

AnswerWhile strictly speaking nobody can guarantee that they have all of the questions, and chances are that you will see some new things that the authorities have capriciously put in there out of the blue, we believe that our prep is far superior to others out there since we uniquely have the new questions, in English that are now in use. Because we had to translate some of these from Chinese, our translated questions will likely vary slightly from the official translations, but our users can typically expect to see very familiar questions on their actual test, including answer choices and correct answers very very similar to if not exactly like in our app.

I heard you can just study using a prep book.

AnswerThat's old information that no longer holds true. When the questions were updated to make the test harder, most prep books and websites became instantly obsolete.

I heard you can just study using a prep book.

AnswerThat's old information that no longer holds true. When the questions were updated to make the test harder, most prep books and websites became instantly obsolete.

I am Chinese citizen - can I use your prep?

AnswerAs far as we know, Chinese citizens also have the option to take the test in English, so, yes, we think so (though you might want to double check with the authorities).

Please describe the purchase process (PC).

AnswerOur PC software is sold on a "try before you buy" basis. This means that you are free to download the software from our website, install it on your PC, and try it out. Before you register (purchase) it, however, the software will be locked in a demo mode in which only 5% of the questions are available. This will be enough to let you get a feel for the software, but not enough to actually prepare you in any serious way for your test. To unlock the rest of the content, you can visit the order page to complete the order process. When your payment has been made, an unlock keycode will be sent to you via e-mail. You enter this unlock keycode into the software to unlock the full content the test banks of your choice. Thank you for your understanding that due to the nature of the electronic sales process and because the software is available on a try before you buy basis, once the purchase has been made, it is not reversible.

Please describe the purchase process (iPhone/iPad, Mac, and/or Android).

AnswerEach of these app versions is available for direct purchase via the official app store / market for that device. Use the links above to go directly to the app pages in the various app stores.

How long is my purchase good for?

AnswerYour purchase is, in essence, good for life. Furthermore, we allow you to update the app to the newest available version, FREE, at any time. This is of course not a guarantee that 100 years from now we will still be updating the software, but it does say that whenever we do, you will have access to it. To wit, we have users who have been using our GroundSchool FAA (USA) software for more than a decade now with free updates since their original purchase. However, there is a catch: when you purchase this software, it is for your own, personal use only. You may NOT share this with friends, coworkers, etc. Please direct such people to purchase their own copy! We hope that you find this tradeoff to be fair - in exchange for free upgrades and no set time limit, you agree not to share this software inappropriately. Free upgrades means that in the future you can use this software to review or brush up.

What is the price in my local currency?

AnswerThe prices for our apps are listed in US Dollars (USD). As you go through the order process, you will see in a later screen the actual total price displayed in your local currency. Yon can pay in (almost) any currency you'd like.

Can I order by Phone, Cheque, PayPal, etc?

AnswerWe offer a wide range of purchase options in your choice of currencies. The Digital River order system allows for a large number of ways to order. To order, for example, by phone, just start the order process online. Then, when you get to the payment stage, it will ask you about payment method - here you will see the full list of choices.

Do I have to be online to use the app?

AnswerNo, you don't. An Internet connection is only reequired for initial download of the app and to get updates. So, for example, you can use it to study while sitting in a passenger seat of an airline flight without an Internet connection no problem.

If you have any further questions we are happy to help you via our online helpdesk.


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